Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors #82!

Hello, my friends! Happy Sunday and (hopefully) long weekend to you! Hooray for LaboUr Day! Yes, we spell it with a U here in Canuckland. We're Unique that way. ;) Today I'm sharing another excerpt from Adventures in Online Dating, a choose your own adventure romance! To give you some background, my heroine's name is Sydney Montrose, and she's currently perusing her online dating matches with best friend, Grace, who forced her to join the site in the first place. I should also mention that Syd plays the piano professionally in an orchestra. Are we good? Good!

Here's an excerpt, continuing from where we left off: 

Sydney laughed, mostly at the God-awful English accent Grace attempted in her perverse version of flattery. “Look, I’ve been through the entire woodwinds section and most of the brass. I’m tired of men full of hot air.”
            Grace plopped back on the couch with a snort. “So you like Joe. Any other prospects?”
            “Well, there’s Charlie. We’ve been chatting for a while and he wants to meet up. Joe wants to meet up too,” she added meaningfully.

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors! 

Well, school starts up again this week. I'm both excited and terrified to be back at the front of the classroom. I fear the teenagers will eat me alive in my injury-weakened state. But I will fend them off with my crutches and infectious positivity! :D Wishing everyone a marvelous week ahead! 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors #81!

Hey, folks! Welcome back to another week of fun! Thanks so much to everyone for the encouraging comments from last week. I'm gonna share another snippet from the same story, Adventures in Online Dating. To give you a little background, my heroine's name is Sydney, and her best friend, Grace, has none-so-gently nudged her into the world of online dating. They're both perusing her matches at the moment. 

Here's an excerpt, continuing from where we left off: 
“Ooh, look, this guy’s a musician. You like musicians, don’t you, Syd?”
            “Why, because I’m a musician?”
            “Well, it’s a good start,” Grace said, shrugging. “Wait, maybe he’s not really a musician. I’m not sure being a Guitar Hero guru qualifies him as a musician, but hey, it’ll at least give you a topic for conversation.” She stood on slightly wobbly legs to retrieve the bottle of wine and topped up each of their glasses; hers required much more topping up. “I’m sure he isn’t a dignified pianist in a renowned orchestra like the incomparable Sydney Montrose, but he might be charming in his own way.” 

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors! 

Well, I'm still a gimp with this torn meniscus of mine, so I decided to move back home with the 'rents for a while until I start teaching again in September. I know what I'll teach on the first day to my students: how not to injure yourself. :D I must say I'm quite enjoying this hospital. I get hugs whenever I need them, three square meals a day (including snacks), and satellite TV. I've become a TV junkie again and I'm okay with that. Wishing you all a fabulous, injury-free week ahead! :)

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors #80!

Hey-hey! How's everybody doing? I decided to share something new today. It's a new-to-me concept of storytelling that I've actually fallen in love with: choose your own adventure. I used to read those books all the time as a kid, but I never had any kind of appreciation for how difficult they are to write. Well, now I do. *brain is dead* My idea for this story came from my own experiences in the world of online dating. For now I'm calling it Adventures in Online Dating. I don't have any sort of blurb for it, so I'll just jump right into an excerpt. Hope you enjoy!

Grace snatched the laptop and began clicking through the profiles. “Aww, apparently Steven thought it’d be a turn-on to take a selfie in front of a filthy bathroom mirror.”
            Sydney motioned for her to move on, but once bachelor number two came into view she regretted that decision. The man had a piercing fetish that rivalled Dennis Rodman’s. Both eyebrows, both cheeks, his nose, and his tongue had holes in them, and those were the visible ones. “Next, please.”
          Grace clicked onward and both women gasped. “Dear God, is that pleather?” she asked, shielding her eyes.

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors! 

I'm currently dealing with a torn meniscus injury I acquired in a soccer game this past week, so I won't be doing much today besides lying in bed and eating ice cream. Every injury requires ice cream to heal properly. It's just a known fact. Wishing you all a relaxing, ice cream-filled day as well! :)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors #79!

Goooooooood morning, Vietnam! Er, Warriors! Hope you're all doing well! I'm not gonna beat around the bush. I think we all know why we're here. In a word: George. ;) 

Here's the blurb for Crossing the Line: Madison Kelly is an erotic romance author from Canada on her way to her first ever writing conference. Across the border. A trunk full of dirty books and dildos proves enough to amp up her nerves and make her lips flap faster than the maple leaf flag.
But she's not going anywhere until George Petropoulos gives the go-ahead.
The Greek god of a border guard has something other than national security in mind when he detains this particular citizen. He can’t help but be charmed by the juxtaposition between her stammering blushes and the racy books she writes.
A hot and heavy interrogation brings out her inner sex goddess, one that she’s been hiding in the pages of her books, and leaves them both wanting more. But will they be brave enough to cross the line again? 

And here's an excerpt, continuing from where we left off:
Her smile melted into a contented sigh as he spread his fingers and squeezed. “His strong but gentle hand squeezed her thigh, making her tremble all over.”
Amusement, clear as day, lit his features. His eyes crinkled in the corners. His lips quirked. He tucked his chin to his chest and she took the opportunity to admire him. The way the muscles in his shoulders bunched. His perfectly shaped ears, and the light blush that highlighted his cheeks.

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors! Remember, George can be yours for less than a buck! Crossing the Line is now available at all your favourite online retailers! 

This has been such an awesome weekend! I spent time with my teachers' college peeps, one of my best girlfriends, and my favourite professor and mentor from my university days. While you're reading this, I'm probably stuck in traffic on the way back home, but there's undoubtedly a giant smile on my face. Kinda like this one: :D Wishing everyone a wonderful day and week ahead!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors #78!

Hello, my friends! Can you believe it's August already? Cr-aaaazy! Well, I hope your August has started off swimmingly so far. What's that? You want to read a little more about your favourite border guard, George? Well...okay! :D

Here's the blurb for Crossing the Line: Madison Kelly is an erotic romance author from Canada on her way to her first ever writing conference. Across the border. A trunk full of dirty books and dildos proves enough to amp up her nerves and make her lips flap faster than the maple leaf flag.
But she's not going anywhere until George Petropoulos gives the go-ahead.
The Greek god of a border guard has something other than national security in mind when he detains this particular citizen. He can’t help but be charmed by the juxtaposition between her stammering blushes and the racy books she writes.
A hot and heavy interrogation brings out her inner sex goddess, one that she’s been hiding in the pages of her books, and leaves them both wanting more. But will they be brave enough to cross the line again? 

And he're an excerpt, continuing from where we left off: 
What makes you think you’re cover model worthy?”
His eyes darkened, and she was mesmerized by the rapid rise and fall of his chest. “Well, you, uh….” He shook his head, dismissing whatever it was he was going to say.
On the outside she played it cool, but on the inside she was dancing like a giddy teenager who’d been asked to the prom because she’d managed to make him lose his cool, even for a moment.
He jerked his hand away from her thigh but she caught it mid-retreat. Their gazes met and held. “That was fine where it was,” she whispered, smiling in satisfaction when he returned it where it belonged. 

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors! 

Crossing the Line is available now for 99 cents! I just want to thank everyone who's purchased a copy. I appreciate your support and I truly hope you enjoy the story! 

Today I'm hanging out with the people I love most (well, besides you guys): my family. Wishing you all a wonderful day and week ahead! :)