Here's the blurb: After too many failed relationships, too many shots of tequila, and too many not-so-gentle nudges from her best friend, Sydney Montrose joins an online dating site in hopes of finding THE ONE. During her adventures, she crosses paths with a professional gamer who lives with his parents, a sweet and sarcastic parking enforcement officer, a flirty barista, a mystery man, a touchy-feely former felon, and a clown. Which one will she choose? Well, that's all entirely up to you!
And here's an excerpt, continuing from where we left off:
“I guess I was worried about
disappointing you. This is your job, and I respect that you love what you do, I
mean that, but I’d rather keep on believing you’re one of the Wiggles and not a
John Wayne Gacy lookalike.”
laughed even louder. “I can see where the fear stems from. I promise you my
record’s as clean as my face will be after I go and wash off this make-up.”
Charlie stood and took a step toward the washroom, then he quickly turned back
to her. “Will you wait? Please say you’ll wait.”
Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors!
Happy almost-December! It's the most wonderful time of the year! I'm startlingly organized this year and have already purchased, or at least know what I'm purchasing, all the important people in my life. As for all of you lovely ladies and gents, you'll have to settle for virtual hugs and smooches this year. ;) Okay, maybe I'll share a few extra sentences with you. I might even have a giveaway or two this month. Stay tuned! Wishing you all a magical week ahead!