Here's the blurb: After too many failed relationships, too many shots of tequila, and too many not-so-gentle nudges from her best friend, Sydney Montrose joins an online dating site in hopes of finding THE ONE. During her adventures, she crosses paths with a professional gamer who lives with his parents, a sweet and sarcastic parking enforcement officer, a flirty barista, a mystery man, a touchy-feely former felon, and a clown. Which one will she choose? Well, that's all entirely up to you!
And here's the excerpt, continuing from where we left off:
She brought the mug to her lips and
let loose a moan as the hot, soothing beverage trickled down her throat. “Joe
wouldn’t know a cuppa joe if it smacked him in the face.”
“Joe, huh? He didn’t really look like a Joe.”
gave Mystery Man a good once-over. He definitely
didn’t look like a Joe--maybe a Hunter, or a Preston, or a Luke. “So tell me your name.”
he answered without preamble, “and you are?”
heavenly God, Garrett was a sexy name. “Sydney.”
And Mystery Man finally has a name! lol. Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors!
As of yesterday, I officially kicked off my summer break! I can't tell you how much fun I had this past week with all my coworkers, celebrating the end of another year of teaching. I ate SO much cake, I laughed, I cried, and I got in a whole bunch of hugs. I sure don't mind being off for two months, but I'll miss them a ton. Now begins the summer of Evelyn! Wishing everyone a fabulous week ahead, and happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks! :)