Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weekend Writing Warriors #43!

Good Sunday morning to you, my friends! Hope you're all well! I guess it's a good thing I'm so addicted to peanuts because that means you get another excerpt from Nutcases today!

Here's the premise: It's the year 2033. Since so many people have developed allergies to peanuts in this century, the government has banned peanuts and all peanut-related products, including (*gasp*) peanut butter. Side note: I think that was the most anyone has ever used the word 'peanut' in a sentence. Well, as you can imagine, Morgan, my heroine, refuses to live in a world without PB. So, with the help of my hero, Clark, they build their own peanut-butter-making machine in the secret basement of her home and begin the business of bootlegging. Also, they share a few pb kisses, etc, etc. :-D

And here's the excerpt, continuing from where we left off: 

In his profile picture he had much shorter hair. And a beard. The man who stood before her was a clean-shaven, floppy-haired heartthrob who looked too young to be a professor and too attractive to be single.

Somehow during their second conversation she’d managed to pry that he was, in fact, single. Thank you, Jesus. “How old are you?” she blurted.

His resulting smile kept her from kicking herself. “I’m thirty-three, and you’re not the first person who’s asked.”

Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors!

My friend Mags was being quite smart-assy last night, which inspired me to create a new word. I give you all permission to use it whenever the mood strikes. Ready for it? Here it is...SMASSY. It's like taking sassy to the next level, with a little extra snark thrown in for good measure. Thank you. I'm here all week. *bows* Have a fabulous day! :)
:) :( ;) :D :-/ :x :P :-* =(( :-0 X( :7 B-) #:-S :(( :)) =)) :-B :-c :)] ~x( :-h I-) =D7 @-) :-w 7:P 2):) :!! \m/ :-q :-bd ^#(^


  1. And now what happens? You've left me hanging here. I want more.

    1. Well, that's the idea! You'll have to tune in next week. ;) Thanks, Charmaine!

  2. He sounds totes adorbs. :D Did you hear that in James Earl Jones' voice?

    1. I SO did. Major creepy and cool at the same time. :D Thanks, lulu!

  3. Morgan sounds like quite the straight-shooter. Possibly she's even smassy! (Although I doubt she's as smassy as Mags.) I predict baby-faced, floppy-haired Clark won't stand a chance! Thanks for the Sunday sentences and the much-needed vocabulary word!

    1. Hee! No one is quite as smassy as Mags. ;) So glad you're enjoying the story! Feel free to use your new word as often as you like!

  4. At least he has a sense of humor about looking so young. Can't wait for them to start making lovely peanut butter together...great 8!

    1. Oh, they can't wait for it either, Veronica! lol. Thanks for reading and the always-fabulous comments! :)

  5. Cheeky question but I can see why she asked! Fun snippet!

  6. I'm glad I popped in for my pb fix : ) Too cute this week!

    1. I'm glad you did too, Millie! Thanks so much! :)

  7. Great snippet and I love your new word Smassy:).

    1. Thank you, Tina! I think I should try to incorporate that word into my story. :D

  8. Heh. The curse of a man with a beard shaving--he looks about twelve afterwards.

    At least he has a sense of humor about it.

    1. So true. But mmm, I love the smoothness factor. :D Thanks, Caitlin!
