Here's the blurb: After too many failed relationships, too many shots of tequila, and too many not-so-gentle nudges from her best friend, Sydney Montrose joins an online dating site in hopes of finding THE ONE. During her adventures, she crosses paths with a professional gamer who lives with his parents, a sweet and sarcastic parking enforcement officer, a flirty barista, a mystery man, a touchy-feely former felon, and a clown. Which one will she choose? Well, that's all entirely up to you!
And here's an excerpt, continuing from where we left off:
“I’m better at the actual dating
nodded. “Much better.” His lips closed around the rim of his mug, and hers
tingled in jealousy. The man had an exceeding amount of confidence that would
come across as arrogant on anyone else. On him it was just plain hot.
if this were a date, if we were on a date right now, how would you, uh...seal
the deal?”
returned his mug to the table and dabbed his lips with a napkin. “If this were
a date,” he began in a smooth, deliciously confident tone, “I’d tell you how
sexy you look in that dress, that you have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever
seen, and your smile, your laugh, your hair...that body...everything about you is perfect.”Whew. Is it getting hot in here or what? ;) Thanks so much for stopping by and be sure to visit the other Weekend Writing Warriors!
Well, my friends, I'm gonna keep it short and sweet since I yapped your ears off already. I'm officially moving in six days! Eep! Pray for my sanity, peeps. Wishing you all a marvelous week ahead! :)